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Writer's picturePenda James


Several months ago I had a writing colleague share information with me about how she was getting her book into the meta verse. I had never heard of such a thing, nor was I interested in pursuing putting my book into a game or other meta verse activity. I didn’t know she was talking about virtual reality! I misunderstood the conversation because I was not familiar with the terms she was using.

I am not a gamer and I didn’t understand the tips she was giving me to expand my brand. Now, several months later, I see my friend proudly sharing how she makes money every time someone in a game interacts with her book in the meta verse.

It’s not too late, but I now understand that this process of incorporating her book into a gaming system is known as convergence. Different systems are colliding to make accessibility easier across multiple platforms.

Media convergence with technology and entertainment could potentially impact my career in several ways. If I am not paying attention to the trends in technology, or if I don’t keep up with the changes in software or learn new programs, I could potentially be left behind. When my friend mentioned to me about the meta verse and I didn't move, I missed an opportunity to learn. I just didn’t want to learn something new - I'm busy. Because I made an excuse, I might have missed a great opportunity, because I didn’t act.

As a writer, I am learning the importance of streamlining my content to make sure that it is succinct and clear, yet still entertaining. With convergence, people won’t be paying as much attention to the material they are consuming because they are multitasking. When I am working on my computer, I often have a podcast, music or a movie playing while I am trying to get my work done. In those times when I am trying to learn and do work, I find myself having to stop and do one or the other because too much information coming at me is overwhelming. With convergence, I think content creators will need to diversify how we communicate information to give people a reason to stop multitasking and pay attention to our content.

Currently, website content is created to be viewed on a tablet, phone or desktop and with updates, it is necessary to check the view for all of them when making revisions to our sites. These changes to technology are something we saw in movies, now, living in the transition I recognize the importance of staying on the wave, so I don’t drown in it.

Gotta keep up with the wave,

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