Hey, Scribes!
I can't believe that I missed wishing you a Happy New Year!
I hope that the first four weeks of 2023 have been good for you so far. I know that you have a lot to look forward to this year. If you are already running hard to accomplish your goals, I encourage you to keep up your momentum. You may not see the results of your efforts right now, but be consistent.
Just in case you have a couple of writing goals on your list, I have created a fun way to help you capture your history, just in time for Black History Month.
For me, it could not come at a better time. A couple weeks ago, while working on a personal project, I called some family members to gather information about my great-grandparents. No one has any information written down about them. It made me sad that the history of so many of my family members has perished with them. My friend Victoria inspired me to create a calendar, and my friend Falami told me I need to share it with you. Download a copy here:
The writing prompts and activities in this calendar are simple and easy. Think of it as a scavenger hunt.
I believe that we all have a memorable rite of passage moment
that we can share with someone else.
What is your story about an experience that changed your life?
Have you written it down yet?
Tips to use the calendar:
Today is February 1, take a selfie and write a caption about yourself and how you plan to take the challenge to record your personal history.
The writing prompts are just a primer to get you started. You can write anything you want: a poem, a haiku, a journal entry, etc. Just write something and make sure to pour out your heart.
For days that ask about music, write down the song title, create a playlist on YouTube or Spotify, and share it with loved ones. Write about why the music means something to you.
Find a photograph and write about what was happening in the picture
Write about a family heirloom and where it originated from
On February 19, cook a meal for loved ones and use a family recipe. A great book to help you create memories with food and family recipes is Let's Eat by ShaVonne Cammack
On February 20, take a photo of yourself wearing purple or your favorite colors that represent royalty
As an added incentive, I will search TikTok, and Instagram for the hashtag #INSCRIBEMeChallenge and #ScribeCoach to find creative posts. If you tag me (@Penscribed) or use the hashtags at least 10 times, I will add your name into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card. (If you aren't on social media, just send me an email with your writing).
Make it more exciting and invite your friends and family to join you.
This is going to be fun and I can't wait to hear from you. If you want to talk more about how to gather your family history, schedule an appointment with me here.
Scribes Record History,