Thank you:
for allowing me, and my team, to help you inscribe your story
for your openness during our coaching sessions
for reading our blogs
for being a guest on our podcast
for engaging with us on social media
for creating inspiring campaigns when you learn new things from us
Most importantly, thank you for critical and honest feedback of your experience with us. If you haven't already, please complete a short satisfaction survey here, or, send me a response to the following questions:
When you think of InSCRIBEd Inspiration, what words and phrases come to mind about our corporate culture? How can we communicate this message more effectively?
What can we do to support you and your business in 2023?
Losing my father the day after my birthday put life into perspective for me. My daddy is a big part of the reason why InSCRIBEd Inspiration exists because he taught me:
This leads me to the top three things I have learned from you this year.
1 - Change or Die
Change was required this year, or InSCRIBEd Inspiration would have died. This year I worked through grief when I should have taken a break to heal. I pushed myself too hard trying to overdeliver and I didn't always hit the mark. Sometimes I failed to prioritize my own needs. My #WriteThroughIt became #IgnoreTheGrief and I did not always give you my full attention. Although I believe that creatives must press through our pain to get to our promise, sometimes pressing through the pain means being still. Other times it means creating through tears. Wisdom is knowing when to do one versus the other.
If you have felt ignored, rushed or minimized, please accept my sincerest apology. If you want to talk, please schedule a free 20 minute Creativity Consultation with me. Make sure to download the new Goal Setting Tool and bring some ideas with you, let's work through them together.
I am currently reading "What Got You Here Won't Get You There" by Marshall Goldsmith. The following quote from the book struck me hard because it devastate me in the event that my actions caused you harm:
2 - Slow Down and Breathe
This year I have recognized that when I operate outside of my zone of genius I move too quickly and forget to breathe. As a result, InSCRIBEd inspiration has made mistakes. This is actual footage of me when I have been out of my zone of genius with some of you. Check out the book, The Big Leap to learn more about the Zone of Genius, it changed the way I dream. Let's talk about it when you finish reading it.
Lord have mercy, we had some wild rides.
We must all learn how to slow down and breathe, especially when we are under pressure.
3 - Ask For Help
One of the hardest lessons that I learned this year is that I can no longer be a solo-preneur. I have begun to build a team of contractors, the Unpluckable Faith Village for InSCRIBEd Inspiration. This includes but is not limited to: a web designer, an outreach coordinator, editors, graphic designers, a speech coach, and a counselor. In 2023, the standard of excellence will be raised with new team members bringing fresh ideas to our systems and processes.
We'd love to have you share your gifts too, send me an email if you have a unique skill and want to join our team:
Your feedback has refined me and I am grateful.
You were right,